PW 610F

PW 610F
PW 610F dans une nacelle d’Eclipse 500
PW 610F
PW 610F

Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC) created the PW 610F engine specifically for the Eclipse 500. The PW610F turbofans are a new generation of high-bypass turbofans, flat rated at 900 pounds of takeoff thrust. PW610Fs are also exceptionally quiet engines that meet current Stage 3 noise requirements, and will easily meet upcoming Stage 4 standards.

Test run

The PW610F achieved its rated takeoff thrust of 900 pounds after only five hours during the test run, which took place May 4, 2004.

First Flight

The first flight of the PW610F engine took place December 16, 2004 (on P&WC’s Boeing 720 flying test bed). During the 6-hour flight, a number of tests were performed, including performance characterization and an altitude re-light. The PW610F had previously completed more than 500 hours of ground testing.


Eclipse Concept Jet

Eclipse 400 prototype Le prototype du quadriplace Eclipse 400 a été dévoilé le 23 juillet lors du rassemblement AirVenture 2007,  sous le nom d’Eclipse Concept Jet (ECJ). L’ECJ était équipé (pour l’occasion) d’un turboréacteur Pratt & Whitney PW615F, détaré à 500 kg de poussée, monté au-dessus du fuselage et d’un empenage en V. Pour réduire le développement et la fabrication, le prototype possédait 60% […]

Eclipse 500

Powered by a Pratt & Whitney Canada PW 610F In August 2002 the Eclipse 500 made its first flight using Williams EJ22s, each rated at 770 lbst. However, a few months later Eclipse announced that it was dropping Williams International. There were several accounts of this development, but then-CEO Raburn said the EJ22 did not […]
