GP Aerospace GP-210

GP Aerospace GP-210
GP Aerospace GP-210 Project with 2 Prive Induction DGEN-390

GP Aerospace, a startup company formed in Sào José dos Campos, Brazil, by former Embraer technical director Guido Pessotti, has unveiled to AIN plans for a so-called personal light jet that would be smaller than currently available very light jets. The GP Aerospace GP-210 is built around two 740-pounds-thrust DGen390 turbofan engines.

The four-seater is to have a 4,300-pound mtow and a wingspan of 33 feet. It would cruise at up to 276 knots at 20,000 feet, with the operational ceiling being set at 25,000 feet.

Model first exhibited by Price Induction, at Paris Air Show, 15-21 June 2009. No further information had been released by end of 2010.
