JSP Project
The JSP Project was based on Pier Luigi Baldacchini Design and Corivi team works (Italian builder of the Vulcan C-100). The idea was to developp a little jet using the “aerodinamics” of the Vulcan, and based on DGEN-380.
The unavailability in 2008 of this reliable small turbofan has blocked such dream.

The design specification of the JSP should be
- Allminium easy construction (like the Vulcan) also to be available in kit for homebuilders
- 2 confortable seats in tandem
- Op. Empty Weight not above 350kg
- Design MTOW 650kg
- Ultimate Load Factors +6g -3g
- Wing airfoil NACA 4415 (like the Vulcan)
- Stall speed landing configuration 65-70 kmh
- Cruising speed not above 330 kmh
- Take-off & landing roll in the range of 200 mt
- Total time to build from kit 1500 hours