Projet Me P308 Jet-Taifun

Me P308 Jet-Taifun
Manufacturer’s general-arrangement drawing of the Messerschmitt P-308 six-seater (dimensions in millimetres). Source : FLIGHT International, 20 June 1963

Paris 1963. After extensive market research Messerschmitt presentes three new aircraft projects in model form. The first (the one we are talking about here) was the Me P308 Jet-Taifun, a 5/6-seat executive and training aircraft with two Turbomeca Marbore turbojets.

The makers state: “The direct operating costs per flight mile and passenger are about 50 per cent higher than with two engine propeller-type aircraft when based on the same flying distance; the flying time, however, is only about half. In comparison with today’s jet-touring aircraft the direct operating”

Me P308 Jet-Taifun
Messerschmitt Me P-308, Jet Taifun. Source : FLIGHT International 6 June 1963
Willy Messerschmitt
Me P308 Jet-Taifun
Messerschmitt ME-308, Jet Taifun mockup. Source : Aviation magazine, june 1963.