Super Salto Jet

Super Salto converted to Jet by Bob Carlton

Bob Carlton‘s Super Salto has been retrofitted with a 225 lbf thrust TJ100 jet engine from PBS in the Czech Republic. Powered by this Jet engine, the highly modified Super Salto jet sailplane self-launches and performs both a classic sailplane aerial ballet and screamin’ low-level jet aerobatics.

The first flight of the Super Salto Jet Sailplane took place on October 8, 2008.

Bob Carlton with the Super Salto
Bob with the Super Salto after a test flight (Photo by Mark Mocho)
Super Salto jet glider
Front view of the Super Salto (Photo by Bill Pearson)
Super Salto jet glider, oshkosh 2009
August 2, Oshkosh Air Venture 2009. With courtesy of Bruce Leibowitz
Super Salto jet glider
Bob with the Super Salto after an Arizona practice flight (Photo by Bill Pearson)
Super Salto jet glider
Oblique view of the Super Salto (Photo by Bob Carlton)
Super Salto jet glider, 2010
July 27, 2010. Wittman Regional Airport, WI. With courtesy of Jim Bauer.

Notes et références

Bob Carlton

Bob Carlton began flying in 1979 at the age of 19. He has since logged over 2000 hours in a wide variety of aircraft and holds a commercial pilot certificate. Bob has flown hang gliders, airplanes, helicopters, and sailplanes from hundreds of sites in the US, Canada, Mexico and Australia. Bob has flown airshows professionally since 1993. He lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He is a member of SSA and ICAS.

Bob is one of the most versatile airshow performers in North America. He began flying airshows in his Salto sailplane, and over the years has continued to add innovative performances such as barnstormin’ biplane aerobatics, helicopter sailplane tow, night aerobatics with strobes & pyro and the world’s only twin jet sailplane. The tradition of innovation continues with the recent addition of the Super Salto jet sailplane, with more power, more speed and more aerobatic capability than any other sailplane on the planet!

Bob Carlton is a retired rocket scientist for a major national laboratory.

We would like to thanks Bob for all informations he always authorized us to publish. We congratulate him on all his jet projects and all his work with Vertigo Airshows and Desert Aerospace
