JG-2 Panther Replica

[svg-flag flag=”au” size=”1.1″ size_unit=em] Homebuilt designed and built by John Gross

This JG-2 Panther Replica is a 3/4 scale replica of Grumman F9F Panther (1947-1958), one of the United States Navy’s first successful carrier-based jet fighters, as well as Grumman’s first jet fighter.

JG-2 Panther Replica
Day 1 Festival of Flight ‘The Vintage Experience’ 2009. Source : With courtesy of Robert Frola
John and Judy Gross
John and Judy Gross. Source : Bay side Bulletin

The JG-2 was designed by John Gross, and built at Mt Cotton a few miles south east of Archerfield (Australia). John Gross has completed the aircraft after 8 years of solid dedicated work. On April 1 2006 at Kingaroy airport the JG-2 taxied out and took-off for the first flight.

JG-2 Panther Replica
11march 2007. JG-2 – Panther replica, Clifton (YCFN), Australia. With courtesy of Scott Williamson
JG-2 Panther Replica
20 Aug. 2011: ross JG-2 Panther during one of its performances at the Wide Bay Australia airshow. Photo with courtesy of David Linwood

JG-2 Panther Replica Characteristics

DesignerJohn GROSS
TypeHomebuilt jet
First flightapril 2006
Nb. built1

Power plant

Max ratings454 kg1000 lbs


Span8,53 m28 ‘
Length8,33 m27 ‘ 4″
Areas13.83 m²149 ft²


Useful Load (average) kglbs
Fuel capacity400 l105 US Gal.
Max. permissible 998 kg2200 lb


Vne – Max. speed463 km/h250 kts
Vno – Max. speed in operation km/hkts
Vs – Stall speed102 km/h55 kts
Max. rate of climbm/sft/min
Service ceilingmft
Max Rangekmmiles
Best gliding ratio  
Landing distancemft
Take off distancemft
G limitsGSGS
JG-2 Panther Replica
JG-2 at Wide Bay International Airshow 2011, Australia. Source : With courtsey of Max Riethmuller
JG-2 Panther Replica
Festival of Flight ‘The Vintage Experience’, Australia 2008. Source : Photo with courtesy of Robert Frola
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