Maverick TwinJet 1500

Maverick TwinJet 1500 aircraft was originaly an experimental amateur built five place twin jet. Construction was composile FRP, powered by two modified GE T-58 turbojet engines. Aircraft was low wing, ‘T’ tail design with conventional flight controls.

Maverick Twin Jet 04 Maverick Twinjet 1500, Oskosh 2001
Maverick Twin Jet 02 Marverik Twinjet 1500, avril 2003
Maverick Twinjet 1500

Maverick Jets

Bob Bornhofen was retired when he got into the aviation business, and had no aviation background. He wondered why he couldn’t buy a personal jet, and in 1998 he decided to create one. Bornhofen has been funding much of the project out of his own pocket.

To be marketed as a kit, the Twinjet has a pre-preg eglass composite airframe with carbon fiber control surfaces and empennage.

The TwinJet was not certified because it uses two converted surplus GE-T58 military helicopter engines (overhauled and zero-timed).

The TwinJet was designed in anticipation of the FJX-2 engine, which was being developed under the General Aviation Propulsion program. The FJX-2 was going to be a new generation turbofan engine producing 700-800 pounds of thrust.

When delays occurred for that engine, Bob Bornhofen elected to use the T58 engines so he wouldn’t slow the TwinJet development.

Maverick Jets inc.

Marverick Air had been founded by Bob Bornhofen in 1997. The company began to manufacture of the first Twinjet in 1998.

In 2001, Colorado business man, Jim McCotter aquired a majority share in Maverick Air Inc, renaming it Maverick Jets, and announced plans to etablish a new compagny, know as McCotter aviation, to develop a six seat, factory built, FAA-certified version of the Leader (ex Twinjet 1500), designated MC 2400. Development has been delayed by loss of the prototype. 


Four planes have been put in the air. The first prototype was flight tested to about 370 knots during a series of tests to determine if the aircraft had any major certification-related problems. Two are still flying.

Prototype N750TJ.

Serial number : 1,

First fligth 4 august 1999.

Public debut at EAA Air venture, Oskosh, August 2000.

Destroyed on Jan. 24, 2003 in Melbourne, Florida

Maverick TwinJet 1500, N750TJ


Serial number : 2,

Owned by Mike Seavall (Longmont, COLORADO).

It was built from a Maverick Air’s kit . Two years were spent to build it.

Maverick TwinJet s/n 02
N411KT Showed up at the Jeffco Open House back in May 2005


Serial number : 3

Professionaly built in 2003.

It’s fitted with 2 T850 engines

Maverick TwinJet s/n 3